100% Volunteer-driven
We are enthusiasts who believe that enterprising for social good is the right way to reduce extreme poverty, and want to contribute in getting closer to our goal.
Action10 is run by volunteers. Our volunteers work together in order to closely support our Target Partners in Africa.
In Sweden and in eight sub-Saharan African countries our volunteers works together in order to closely support our target partners in Africa. We have two tasks: cross-cultural awareness raising, and fundraising for business loans. We are motivated by the long-term aspect of our operations; that we are supporting our partner’s own ideas; that we are learning lessons and implementing informed decisions; and that we share about both achievements and mistakes.

It’s a multi-level stakeholder partnership and not just a relation between givers and receivers
Under-served communities
Under-served communities benefitting from the products and services offered by the local entrepreneurs, such as micro-loans, training, education, and a variety of products and services meeting the local demands and at affordable prices (food, drinks, clothes, medicine, hair dressing, electricity and much more).
Local entrepreneurs (Target Partners)
We welcome local entrepreneurs to apply for business loans. We want to empower their ambitions and address their challenges, so that they can scale their business and offer more employment, products and services requested for locally.
Our local Branches
Action10 is locally represented in sub-Saharan countries. Our Human Rights and Science Branches are connected to the internet, have Branch bank accounts and manage the local bookkeeping and auditing. Our country Branches manages the loans and share knowledge, experience, tools, networks, and resources to the entrepreneurs.
Local institutions
Local authorities, policy makers, private sector etc.
Volunteers in Sweden
A group of volunteers in Sweden works together for Action10 to support entrepreneurs in sub-Saharan African countries. All Action10 volunteers are hard-working and ambitious giving their best to raise funds for the capital to be given out as loans. Action10 is volunteer driven, enabling that less than 5% of the funds raised are used for costs in Sweden.
HR&S in Sweden
Empowering Action10 and fill gaps.

This is how we are organised
20 volunteers in Sweden with management
The day-to-day operations with fund-raising and cross-cultural awareness raising activities are handled by a team of 20 volunteers. The highest governance body is the General Assembly and the members are the
volunteer staff and the monthly givers. The management is addressed by the working board.
Human Rights & Science (HR&S) operating in Africa
Facing the challenges on the ground with local HR&S Branches in eight sub-Saharan countries. Besides offering business loans to local entrepreneurs, HR&S also offers training, financial auditing, expert advice, network,
and physical infrastructure.
ActionInvest Programme
Action10 manages the ActionInvest Fund which provides loans to local entrepreneurs
in sub-Saharan African countries.