The 10 Actions
We welcome local entrepreneurs to share their ideas with us and we operate on a 10-point agenda, which ensures needs-driven programmes and sustainable impact.
1. Needs-driven program
All programmes supported by Action10 are identified, designed, managed by our Target Partners.
2. Equal partnership
Action10 target Equal Partnership where the amount of investment, acceptance of risk, and level of reward is balanced and acknowledged.
3. Evaluation planning
Each project needs to be evaluated in real-time so that we can take advantage of the lessons learnd in order to improve the programme design. Our observations and evaluations are documented.
4. Strategic partnership
Action10 seeks to collaborate and share knowledges with governments, authorities, academia, the private sector, civil society organisations, aid organisations, and media.
5. Institutional capacity
Action10 employs uniform procedures to make sure that all aspects of the programme, including administration, policies, strategies, staff number and competencies, finances, accounting procedures, and infrastructures respect the 10 actions.
6. Sustainable economy
This action aims to make each project financially self-sustaining. Each project may initially need seed funding to kickstart but should never become dependent on external funding.
7. Quality values
The quality values of the Action10 programmes include Truth, Trust, Equality, and Harmony. Any relationship, partnership, communication, transaction, activity, and report must fully honour the four Action10 quality values.
8. Resilience
The capacity to stay strong, even when challenges threaten the programme is important. Weakness in an activity, or behaviour that threatens the programme, is managed by all stakeholders with patience, respect, capacity, care, and love.
9. Knowledge sharing
Acquired knowledge shall be shared between all our partners. All means available shall be used for this purpose, including face-to-face meetings, seminars, workshops, media, social media, and scientific publications.
10. Visibility
All means available shall be used to make Action10 visible to the public, including participation in events arranged by strategic partners, seminars, workshops, social media, media, institutional annual reports, and scientific publications..
If these 10 action points resonate with you, check how you can Take Action too!